“From the Sketchbook,” indulging with Jeff Watts

One of the most common uses of the sketchbook is simple indulgence; Drawing what you enjoy, and having fun while doing it.  Practices such as these are usually what leads individuals down the path of the artists in the first place, and drawing for fun is especially important to remember as one starts to seriously study the fundamentals of the visual arts.  Doodling, sketching and indulging can often times lead to greater ideas that may find their way into finished pieces someday.  Indulging needn’t be straight from your imagination, either; sketching works you enjoy, as a sort of “mini master study,” can help to both free your mind and cement in concepts.

Enjoy this sampling of indulgent sketches and mini-master studies (after Frank Frazetta) from Jeff Watt’s sketchbook, and if you have any sketchbook indulgences of your own to share, please feel free to link to them in the comment section; we’d love to see them!


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