
Join Meadow Gist, as she teaches the subtle art of telling an entire story with one image.  Learn the steps that go into a narrative painting;  From research and gathering reference, to compositional work and storytelling cues and beyond.  Learn how to take your skills and utilize them to pursue your ambitious ideas in order to bring your elaborate visions to life.




• Standard painting materials as discussed in other painting lessons

• Recommended palette

titanium white, cadmium lemon, cad yellow medium, yellow ochre, cad red light, permanent rose, transparent red oxide, transparent maroon, radiant violet, cobalt blue, manganese blue, radiant blue
viridian green, sap green, olive green

Lesson Workbooks


Narrative Painting, Part 3

Author: watts_support

In this lesson, Meadow will slow down and begin locking in the features of the face, securing one of her focal points.  Learn the intricacies of indication when working on smaller portraits.

Narrative Painting, Part 4

Author: watts_support

Join Meadow as she dives into painting one of the most expressive parts of the human form outside of the face; The hands.  Learn how to approach the complex form of the hand, and how to position and design them to help tell your image’s story.