“Demonstrating the Craft,” Quicksketch demos

Last week on “Demonstrating the Craft,” we introduced you to a “long demo” completed over several sittings, by Watts Atelier instructor Lucas Graciano.  This week we bring you something from the opposite end of the demonstration spectrum; E.M. Gist’s quicksketch demos.

These in-class demos were completed by Erik Gist for his quicksketch course at the Atelier.  The name “quicksketch” is a bit of a misnomer, and these demos were conducted to show why.  Drawing with limited time (5 minutes for each sketch, in this case) forces the artist to truly analyze the subject, and in a sense “slow down” thier thought process as they pay special attention to edge, form, and shape.  By doing this, the artist can then make sound decisions on what to include and what to exclude in their “quicksketch,” and masterfully and carefully execute the limited strokes it takes to complete these types of drawings.


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